There are many card games available offline as well as online. One of the most popular card games is court piece. It is quite famous in the Indian subcontinent and is an exciting trick-taking card game. The trick-taking game has 4 players in two partnerships. The functions of court pieces are difficult and their scoring points are called courts. The game used high to the low cards such as Ace, King Queen Jack, 10, 9, 8, 7, 6, 5, 4, 3, 2, 1.
The court piece card game is full of tricks and you will love to play it when you play it on the popular gaming platform GetMega. The partnership of 4 players has to obtain major hints to attain seven palms in a row. The player or team with the highest trick is considered the winner in the court piece game whether you play in online mode or offline mode.
The dealer is selected randomly and in further games, the lost player will be the dealer. The dealer has to shuffle the cards and the player who is sitting right to the dealer is called a trump-caller. The dealer gives a batch of 5 cards to all the players.
Importance of time in court piece scoring
- In the court piece game, time plays an important role in deciding the winner.
- The players have to decide the time frame and number of rounds before starting the game.
- The players have to use all the tricks and win all the rounds.
- The minimum requirement to win the game is to score the court by using seven winning consecutive tricks.
- If any of the team or players try to use a shortcut or do cheating, the round will automatically end and another team will win the court.
- The trump of the court piece game will be decided after the first twenty cards are played and 32 cards are left.
- If the player with trump in their team wins a court, then the dealer’ partner will be the dealer of the next round.
- If the player with trump in their team doesn’t score a court but wins the game, then the dealer of the next round will be the same.
- The scoring starts only when all the tricks are used and when the time is over, the player with the highest score will win.
- If any of the team has won the seven tricks, then players have the option to start a new round or they can complete the game up to 13 tricks.
- If the players reset the game when other teams or other players win a court, the scores and all the points will be calculated and added when the timeframe will end.
- But if the partnership sets the time before the game, it gives effective results.
Court Piece is a different but interesting game. Most of the players choose this game as their time passes and the time is quite important in this game. If you score the game in the given time frame, then you will be considered as the winner of the game. But you have to play the game actively in order to use mandatory tips to win the game as there are some tricks, which you have to use in the court piece.
Getmega app is a gaming platform that provides court piece games online. By joining leagues, tournaments and events you can earn money. The leaderboard ranking also helps you in earning real cash prizes according to hourly, daily, weekly and monthly leaderboards. You have to maintain your ranking in the top 10 to win these prizes.